The prevailing narrative inside and outside Afghanistan is that the United States and its allies have forgotten Afghanistan. Most Afghan socio-political activists get the...
روایت حاکم در داخل و خارج از افغانستان حاکی از بهفراموشی سپرده شدن افغانستان توسط ایالات متحده و همپیمانان آن است. اکثر فعالین سیاسی-اجتماعی بعد از نشستهایی که با مقامات امریکایی دار...
I wonder how people talk about human rights and equality while millions of girls are deprived of an education in Afghanistan. Getting an education is a human right, and Afghan girls are deprived of their fundamental rights.
Despite two decades of national and international efforts, the democratic government of Afghanistan collapsed in August 2021. A three-level analysis is often used as a suitable framework for studying the success and failure of a state. The first level is the domestic factors. Issues such as functioning national...