This monthly publication, “Afghanistan” is filling a real void. No other publication like it exists in North America for the Afghan diaspora. It is an exciting and pioneering endeavor.
The prevailing narrative inside and outside Afghanistan is that the United States and its allies have forgotten Afghanistan. Most Afghan socio-political activists get the...
روایت حاکم در داخل و خارج از افغانستان حاکی از بهفراموشی سپرده شدن افغانستان توسط ایالات متحده و همپیمانان آن است. اکثر فعالین سیاسی-اجتماعی بعد از نشستهایی که با مقامات امریکایی دار...
Despite two decades of national and international efforts, the democratic government of Afghanistan collapsed in August 2021. A three-level analysis is often used as a suitable framework for studying the success and failure of a state. The first level is the domestic factors. Issues such as functioning national...